How to use products against pigment spots?
Why and How Does Skin Color Change?
The skin's color can change for several reasons. This includes exposure to sunlight (which can have an amplified effect in cases of sensitivity or predisposition), polluted air, smoking, alcohol consumption, certain hormonal and chronic disorders, as well as predispositions.
Many are now aware of the thinning of the ozone layer and the various problems associated with it. Following the depletion of the ozone layer, there has been a significant increase in skin cancer cases. In Hungary, this led to a 50% increase by 2023 compared to the previous year. This layer prevents direct exposure of people to sunlight. However, the thinning and perforation of this layer, which prevents harmful rays from entering the atmosphere, result in higher exposure to the sun's harmful rays. Certain rays from the sun cause the skin to dry and deteriorate, leading to changes in skin color and the appearance of pigmented spots. Unprotected and prolonged sun exposure poses problems for all skin types. We discuss the harmful effects of this almost in every article, as it's crucial to be well-informed about it.
Does Air Pollution Effectively Alter Skin Tone?
Another reason for skin changes is exposure to polluted air. Continuous exposure to polluted air causes the skin to wear, turn yellow, and fade. Therefore, it's crucial to properly protect the skin. The skin can be protected from polluted air by using protective and moisturizing creams and through daily thorough facial cleansing.
Smoking and alcohol consumption also cause significant changes in skin tone. When cigarette smoke mixes with the blood, it decreases the oxygen levels in the blood with long-term use. Blood cells that carry oxygen to the cells become depleted and change over time. This prevents oxygen from reaching the skin and other organs. Oxygen-deprived skin loses its firmness, density, becomes dry, and can lead to premature aging, along with the appearance of spots. The liver, which produces blood cells and healthy cells, is damaged by alcohol consumption, manifesting on the skin in the form of pigmented spots. Chronic diseases like diabetes also alter skin tone.
What Should Be Done to Improve Skin Tone?
Treating pigmented skin requires patience. Skincare should be performed regularly, without neglect, while recognizing and avoiding factors that cause skin deterioration. The condition of pigmented skin can improve with the regular use of skin-lightening products. These products penetrate the skin, allowing it to cleanse, breathe, and be replenished with oxygen. Some products inhibit melanin production, while others achieve the desired result by abrading the skin's surface.
One of the most crucial aspects is to use these products with patience and regularity, as change can only be achieved this way. Afterwards, it's essential to observe how the spots developed on the skin. Generally, AHA acids (glycolic acid, lactic acid, mandelic acid) are effective in lightening the skin tone. Of course, the above-mentioned pigment-inhibiting products are essential in such a skincare routine, and using both simultaneously is recommended. Don't forget about regular and high SPF sunscreen. Maruderm offers various solutions for these problems, which can be found in our webshop!
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